Thursday, November 18, 2004

For everyone that is ticked off about TO on MNF

Since so many people are up in arms over the TO bit this week, then I think they should keep the intensity of their outrage up in the coming weeks. Every week there are morally degrading things broadcasted during MNF.

First, let's start with the glorification of the use of alcohol. I mean, was the TO bit any more offensive than the Coors Light "Twins" ads?

Next, how about the ED ads that are all over the place for medications such as Viagra and Cialis. We can't be glorifying sex for our children, right?

And how about objecting to football in general because of it's culture that glorifies violence? The last time I checked glorifying violence wasn't supposed to be a family value. At least that's what people say when they are attacking violent movies and video games, right?

And finally, how about the objectification of women on MNF? I'm sure that the chests of the Dallas Cowgirls got a lot more airtime Monday night than the TO bit did. What message are we sending to the young girls of America by allowing the objectification of women to run rampant on national TV?

So in closing, all I can ask of the people who are outraged by the TO bit on MNF this week is to "Keep the intensity. Don't lose the intensity."

Either that, or get a life.


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